The Black Sea – Confrontation or Cooperation

Varna Forum 2.0 Thinking Together, Conference Documenation

Is there an alternative to confrontation in the Black Sea region? Could a potentially eruptive region engage into the path of de-escalation of tension? Is dialogue possible between confronting states – and could a peaceful solution be found without a dialogue? Is cooperation unthinkable alongside numerous frozen – and hot – conflicts? Could the EU be a factor of stability in the Black Sea without a clear cut strategy for the region? Is there a chance that the EU macro-regional concept be applicable to the Black Sea Region? And could that be the chance for both the region and the EU?

These and many other questions were discussed at the THINKING TOGETHER VARNA-2 FORUM “THE BLACK SEA: CONFRONTATION OR COOPERATION?”, which took place on May 12-14, 2017, engaging participants, coming from the BS countries, EU member states, the European Commission, regional and international organizations.

The event was organized by the “Friedrich Ebert” Stiftung, the Solidarity Society Foundation and the Economics and International Relations Institute. It followed the 2015 first Thinking Together Varna Forum, which set the beginning of a dedicated political discussion on the challenges to and prospects of the Black Sea region developments.

The Black Sea - confrontation or cooperation?

The Black Sea - confrontation or cooperation?

Varna Forum 2.0 - Thinking together : Friday, May 12 - Sunday, May 14, 2017, Bulgaria, Varna : conference documentation publication
Sofia, 2017

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