Friday, 09.03.2018

Forum: Women's Rights

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Bulgaria in cooperation with the Bulgarian Fund for Women hosted an event on Women's Rights, enjoying the dedicated participation of Vice-president Iliana Iotova, aimed at raising a debate and focusing public attention on the need of political and economic empowerment of women and girls in order to achieve gender equality in all spheres of life in Bulgaria. A dialogue between the non-profit sector and the government would increase the chances of achieving real equality, which is the key for sustainable, intelligent and inclusive economic growth of the country and a guarantee for a real democratic society.

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Workshop for Women's Rights: Possible Solutions for Achieving Gender Equality in Bulgaria   

This analysis is prepared as a result of the Workshop on Women’s Rights, which goal was to 1) identify trends: in the situation of women in Bulgaria; in exercising their rights; and in applying the gender equality principle by the institutions, as well as 2) analyze the needs of the organizations working on these topics in terms of improving the status and increasing the level of equality of the target groups they are working with.

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