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The report summarises an international conference, which gathered over 40 European and national policy makers, international and national experts, youth representatives and activists and over 40 young participants across Europe, the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions. In theory, young people are supposed to have access to social protection, but in reality young refugees are often being denied of access to any social services and benefits. The recent migration crisis has also shown that European policies are inadequate in ensuring the rights of all young people in Europe. Youth organizations across Europe have turned out to be one of the main driving forces towards a better social inclusion and integration of refugees.

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The payment for professional experience and labour service, more known as “seniority grade” has become subject to fierce attacks from Bulgarian employers’ organisations. While it the only guarantee that salaries will be augmented annually, albeit just a little, employers argue this system does not exist elsewhere in Europe. Although government does not support the employers’ organisations so far, under mounting pressure from lobbying, certain state officials have started to give in. We find that the Bulgarian model has many analogies in other EU countries and beyond. In fact, the majority of the analyzed country do have models of augmenting salaries and/or adjusting base salaries according to professional experience. Bulgaria´s model of seniority grade therefore neither stands isolated…

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Far-right parties and parties with an inclination to extreme nationalism are gaining power in Europe rising xenophobia and racism. An analysis of the policies of the political parties and movements in Bulgaria regarding the identification of program initiatives against human rights, women‘s and minority rights and their active implementation in political and social life in our country is the first of its kind, not only in Bulgaria. The research involves different political parties, non-governmental organizations, academic circles and media representatives analyzing the role of these policies for violating human rights, creating xenophobia, racism and anti-feminism, and creating stereotypes about women, men and minority groups.

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Varna Forum 2.0 Thinking Together, Conference Documenation

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At the end of 2017 political tensions in the country intensified. The reasons for this are the increased confrontation between GERB and BSP, which led to a series of scandals, resignations and mutual accusations. All this could have a negative impact on the EU Council Presidency, starting on January 1st. Successful running of the Presidency is a major objective of the government and ruling majority.

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Recent months will be remembered for the foreign political activity of the government. The good neighbourhood treaty signed with Macedonia stands out as a particularly big success. It had been postponed for years by the Macedonian side.

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The new government, made up of GERB and United Patriots, seems stable at this stage. The participation in the cabinet of two co-chairs of the patriots is a guarantee for their close involvement in the country’s governance.

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The political situation in the future will be determined by the election results. Bulgaria will soon have a new government that has been regularly chosen by parliament.

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