
| Nachhaltige Wirtschaft, Soziale Demokratie, Pluralismus und Rechtsstaat | Publikation

The vision of this project is to promote discussion and cooperation of the Bulgarian Greens with human/gender/migrants rights and social justice movements, in view of launching a new progressive, humanistic, democratic and ultimately green ‘wave’ in Bulgarian politics. Such a wave should contrast and contradict the ongoing right-wing nationalist trend. This publication was intended as a discussion paper for enhancing supportive interaction between Greens on the one hand, and human rights’ and social justice movements on the other.

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| Soziale Demokratie, Pluralismus und Rechtsstaat | Publikation

The focus of this analysis is the Roma people with their variety, cultural diversity, identity, demographic models of behavior and value system, alien to the European culture. The goals we set ourselves are to reveal the origin, resettlement of the Roma in Bulgaria and Europe, their complex social stratification, the stereotypes and prejudices related to them. It is precisely the demographic forecast for the number, educational and age structure of the Roma in Bulgaria until 2050 that is among the most important goals of the present analysis, as it will give us the opportunity to look at the problem in development and especially clarity regarding where to focus our efforts as a state and society.

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| Soziale Demokratie, Pluralismus und Rechtsstaat | Publikation

Analysis of the Annual Grantee Meeting of the Bulgarian Fund for Women. 2020 is a serious contender for a leading apocalyptic scenario, not only in the context of the global pandemic of COVID-19, but also in terms of the eternal theme of equality between men and women. The year started with a report by the World Economic Forum predicting that in just 99.5 years, women will be equal to men, although in 2020 they will lead countries such as Finland, Germany and New Zealand and occupy leading positions in the European Central Bank and the World Bank. And two months later the EU, marking March 8, announced that women in the Union are confronted by “... challenges, inequalities and threats in their daily lives: abuse and harassment, lower pay, fewer jobs and opportunities for professional…

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Bulgaria has entered a difficult phase of the pandemic. The situation in the country in the winter will be complicated by the concurrence of three crises - health, economic and political. The political elite as a whole show more an opportunistic pre-election state of mind than a state approach and unity in seeking solutions to the crisis.

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There are ever-increasing indications that in the forthcoming elections, all the major parties will base their campaigns on anti-GERB rhetoric. The organisers of the protests from the “Poisonous Trio”, the party of Slavi Trifonov and “Stand up. BG” united in order to form a common network of observers, which would be a guarantor for fair elections in the country. The conflicts in BSP are not letting up and this may lead to a negative impact on the party in the forthcoming elections.

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The political crisis in the country is becoming deeper. The protests and the situation in the country have led to a reaction on the part of European institutions. Ninova’s victory in the internal party elections for leader of BSP will consolidate her position on the eve of the parliamentary elections.

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Bulgaria has entered a period of political crisis and the protests, which are in their second month, seem set to intensify at the beginning of September. The move with the project for a new constitution is an attempt to gain time because Prime Minister Borisov will not get the 160 votes required in the National Assembly to take the step of convening a Grand National Assembly. Opinion polls indicate a fragmented parliament for the next election, with declining support for GERB.

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The scandals involving Prime Minister Borisov have been causing further damage to the country’s reputation. Recent events have shown that a number of fundamental EU values such as the rule of law, freedom of speech and media, and the separation of powers have been severely damaged in Bulgaria, and the silence of the EU is not well received by democratic spheres in the country. Political upheaval is on the cards in the coming months, because the expectation is that revelations about the government will continue.

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The end of the state of emergency has led to a normalisation of political and public life in the country. Bulgaria has serious

problems not only with the rule of law, but also with the freedom of the media, and it would not come as a surprise if a more acute reaction should follow from Brussels to Sofia in the medium term. The party system is facing new restructuring in the context of the upcoming parliamentary elections at the beginning of next year.

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The crisis with the coronavirus has radically changed the political debate in the country. In May confrontation between BSP and the ruling parties is expected to intensify as the economic consequences of the crisis become more visible. At this stage, confidence in the government and Prime Minister Borisov is high, but the economic ramifications that will follow are likely to have a negative impact on the credibility of the government over the medium and long term.

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The Bulgarian government has taken timely measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus epidemic at this stage. As a whole, the political elite is acting responsibly and in a consolidated manner, although there are also some instances of unnecessary exacerbation of tensions. The major challenges in the country, just like everywhere in the world, are not only related to the crisis triggered by the pandemic, but are yet to come during the inevitable recession that will follow.

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The exacerbation of the political situation in the country in the first months of this year is due to the shift of political and economic strata in the country, with the new Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev being the main player in this process. The escalation of tensions between the president and the government shows that it will be very difficult to find points of agreement for dialogue between them. Tensions in BSP are mounting with regard to the upcoming internal elections, which will decide who

will be the party leader.

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